Monday, November 24, 2008

Yow yow yow yow yow. YOW.

In 1926, a young songwriter penned "Wild Cats," a rousing melody written to inspire the fighting men to a victory over the Kaiser's invincible legions of mustachioed, pointy-helmeted fighting men. Realizing the war was over, and not particularly inspired by the Post-Locarno age of diplomacy, he turned his attention to the Northwestern Wildcat football team, and added these inspiring lyrics (cribbed from the good people over at Hail to Purple):

Wild Cats, They're Purple Wild Cats Yow-ow!
Wild Cats, They're winning Wild Cats Yow-ow!
Bring your Champions, they're our meat
U Northwestern won't be beat
Stratch 'em, bite 'em, claw 'em, fight 'em
Yow! Yow! Yow! Yow! Yow!
Yow! YOW!

"Wild Cats" has sadly not been heard at Ryan Field for some time, but its spirit of declaring your champions to be our meat lives on.

Damn you, Wilhelm, we will never forget your treachery

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